Mupirocin for Dogs
A simple cut is all it can take for your dog to get a bacterial infection. As much as we don’t like to think about that kind of thing, it really is a possibility – it happens every day.
The good news is that there are several different medications out there now that can fight against those bacterial infections and keep your dog healthy. The medication that your vet prescribes will probably vary depending on the kind of infection you’re dealing with.
While some medications come in the form of antibiotic pills, some, like Mupirocin, come in the form of an antibiotic ointment.
What is Mupirocin and what is prescribed it for?
Mupirocin is an antibiotic ointment that is used to combat bacterial infections, most commonly strains of Staphylococcus (aureus and intermedius). This medication does require a prescription from your vet.
This medication kills the bacteria and infection before it can spread to other parts of your dog’s body. This medication is FDA approved for use in dogs and your vet can give you proper instructions.
Treatments using this medication should never exceed 30 days in duration. If the symptoms have not cleared up after the prescribed amount of time you should consult with your vet right away.
How Much Should I Give My Dog?
This medication is an easy to use topical treatment. All you have to do is to smear a little onto the affected area of skin – always be sure to wash your hands both before and after applying the ointment to your pet.
You do not need a lot of the ointment, just enough to put a thin layer over the affected area. You should do this twice per day in most cases, but be sure to follow your vet’s instructions exactly since this is a prescription medication.
This medication should be given for the full length of time it is prescribed. The symptoms may subside before the treatment has been completed but it needs to be used for the full duration to be as effective as possible.
How Can I keep my Dog from licking it off?
Depending on where your dog’s wound or infection is located you may be worried about them licking the ointment off. Since the ointment should not be ingested it is important that you find a way to keep your dog from licking it.
You can try covering it with a cloth such as a bandana if your dog will not be able to get it off. This is probably the easiest solution next to the cone.
I know, no one wants to see it – but at the same time we do. Dogs always look so sad when they have to wear a cone – but it’s for their own good! They need the ointment to heal and they should never lick it off, so sometimes this
is the only option.
Should You Ask Your Vet About Mupirocin?
If you are worried about a wound of what looks like a skin infection then you should have your dog seen by the vet immediately. While they are checking over your dog they will likely suggest one of many possible treatments depending on the condition.
In some cases when the wounds are too deep it may not be safe to use Mupirocin on your dog – however if the wound or infected area seems to be a mild injury then you should ask your vet if this is a possibility.
Compared to giving your dog oral antibiotics this is a very simple treatment – especially if you are lucky enough that the affected area is out of their reach! In more severe cases your vet may even suggest this treatment alongside an oral antibiotic.
Are There Any Side Effects?
One of the best things about topical medications like this one is that often times the side effects are even rarer and less intense than some oral medications. The side effects for Mupirocin are extremely mild when they are seen at all.
Side effects are generally limited to a skin reaction – or possible allergic reaction if the dog is allergic to the active ingredient. Fortunately, both side effects are highly unlikely to be a problem when used for only the prescribed amount of time.
Aside from these side effects there are no other listed side effects, however if your dog changes behavior suddenly while on this medication you should consult your vet .
If any side effects are noticed then you should stop using the ointment immediately and consult with your vet about what steps to take.
Common FAQs about Mupirocin
Can it be given more than 2X per day?
The frequency of treatment will be determined by your vet based on your pet’s condition. While it is recommended to be used twice per day it can be safely used as often as your vet prescribes.
What if my dog licked it off before I could stop him?
If your dog licked off the ointment you should watch for any side effects and consult with your veterinarian. While in most cases ingesting a small amount will not be harmful, it really depends on how much was ingested and the size of your dog.
What if it gets in my dogs eyes?
In the event that the infection sight is near your dog’s eyes this can be a real worry. If the ointment gets into your dog’s eyes then you should consult with your vet right away and try to rinse your dog’s eyes with cool water or a saline solution.