FURminator Review
What Makes Furminator A Great Choice for Pets?
The Furminator is designed to effortlessly and painlessly remove loose hair that your pet has shed.
This allows them to be cooler during the warm months and allows you to enjoy their presence indoors without dealing with pet hair on everything you own.
Typically, shedding happens year around for indoor dogs. Many breeds have more than one type of hair; the undercoat and the topcoat or guard hair.
Each of these hair types undergoes a hair cycle that takes about 4-6 weeks to complete.
This is a bit different for each breed and species. Although it is impossible for you to stop or reduce the amount of shedding that happens in your dog, you can help to control the hair that falls off. This not only affects their comfort level but helps to maintain your own sanity.
The undercoat is the main problem when it comes to shedding and lost undercoat is the majority of what is found laying around your house when your dog sheds.
Sometimes, depending on the breed of the dog, the undercoat is longer than the topcoat and looks like it is part of the topcoat. An animals body temperature is regulated by the undercoat. The Furminator will help to remove loose hair without pulling up attached hair that your pet still needs to keep cool or warm.
Does it Work Better On Some Dogs Than Others?
Yes. Since the FURminator is designed to remove loose undercoat, it works best on dog breeds that have a double coat. Breeds that are non-shedding have only a single topcoat and there is no need to remove loose undercoat. This means that the FURminator is not needed as there isn’t any hair for the tool to remove.
Double coated breeds include American Eskimo Dogs, Australian Shepherds, and Terriers, Border Collies, English Mastiffs, French Mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Whippets, Welsh Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Pugs, Old English Sheepdogs, Pomeranians, and Pugs. The FURminator is recommended for use on all of these breeds and more.
Breeds that are non-shedding and are not in need of the FURminator include Bichon Frise, American Water Spaniel, Irish Water Spaniel, Maltese, Poodle, Curly Coated Retriever, Bedlington Terrier and Portuguese Water Dog. It is not recommended to try the FURminator on these breeds.
Cats also tend to shed a lot, especially indoor cats. It’s estimated that about two-thirds of shed hair end up being ingested as cats are natural self-groomers. This ingested hair results in gross and messy hairballs that can be stressful and even potentially cause serious health problems. The use of the FURminator helps to minimize the amount of loose hair that ends up in your cat’s body as well as reducing the amount of shed hair that ends up covering your couch and furniture.
Choosing the Correct Furminator
FURminators come in various options that allow you to choose the tool best suited to your dog’s specific coat needs. For dogs, you can choose tools with either a long hair or short edge tool that is matched to the size of your dog’s body. This will allow a customized experience for your dog.
The FURminator for cats also comes in short and long hair edge options that can be chosen to suit the size of your cat. Each tool is designed to reach past the topcoat and gently pull the loose undercoat hair up without causing damage or irritation to a cat’s delicate skin.
FURminator also offers a variety of grooming options. These include tools for full grown dogs, based on specific skin issues, coat types and breeds. The two-step grooming process involves customized brushing tools for the initial pre-bath grooming step, and then customized combing tools for following up after the bath.
FURminator also offers grooming tools specifically designed for puppies along with nail grooming tools and Shed Control Cloths for aiding in hair control.
Getting the Best Results From Your Furminator
For best results using your new FURminator, first be sure that you have chosen the correct tool based on the length of your pets fur as well as their body size. Once you have selected the appropriate tool, there are several steps that can be followed to be sure that you and your best have the best experience possible.
The FURminator should not be used on dirty, matted or wet hair. It is best to use the FURminator directly after a bath, while your pet’s fur is at it’s cleanest and after you have thoroughly dried their coat.
Be sure to perform a complete inspection of your pet’s entire body to ensure that there are no severe tangles, mats, wounds or skin irritations.
Should you find any matting, remove it carefully. If it is very severe, consider taking your dog to a professional groomer as improper removal can injure your pet. Once all tangles and mats are removed and fur is clean and dry, position your dog in an area where it will be easy to clean up the hair that will be removed with the FURminator shedding tool.
When you are ready to begin, aim the stainless steel teeth on the FURminator tool against your pet’s coat, and using gentle strokes, pull it across your pet’s coat in the direction of the natural growth of the hair. At the end of each stroke pull the brush up and away from your pet’s skin and be sure to never press too hard into their coat as this could cause irritation to the skin. Also be sure to move your strokes around to avoid too much brushing in any area.
Keep in mind that the time investment required for getting best results with the FURminator will vary based on the thickness and length of your pet’s coat as well as their body size. Also, keep in mind that sometimes excessive shedding can be a sign of dietary issues and should be dealt with as such. The FURminator is designed to be used for regular shedding amounts on shedding breeds.
Is the Vacuum Attachment Worth Investing In?
The vacuum accessory is designed to allow the deshedding tool to attach. So that you can literally vacuum the hair off of your pet as you brush them. Consumers report that it is essentially a waste of time and effort. Several issues seem to exist. Many have trouble attaching it to their vacuums despite the claim that the adapter is designed to fit all vacuum hose sizes.
In addition, consumers report that once the FURminator is attached to the vacuum accessory it is difficult to hold the deshedding tool in the proper position for brushing. Reviewers report being unsatisfied with the entire accessory in general and that it is, in fact, easier to just vacuum up the hair after you are done with the FURminator tool.
Click Here To Get A FURminator and Give It A Try!