Complete Guide on Drontal: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
All About Drontal Dog Dewormer Medication
As a pet owner you only want the best for your furry friend right? That means the best food, the comfiest place to sleep, a healthy amount of exercise and regular vet checkups right? So when your best friend starts looking like he’s feeling ill we want to know why…
You may be surprised to find that the reason for your dog’s lack of appetite or recent bloating is due to worms. There are a number of places your dog could have picked them up, it’s not your fault.
Have you ever thought about giving your dog a dewormer before? If you haven’t, you probably should (Even if you don’t think he has them!). You see, no matter what we do to prevent it there is always going to be a chance that your dog will end up with worms.
We can’t watch them round the clock and when at the Dog Park you never know if he ate something less than desirable… The good news is that worms are easily killed with products like Drontal – and periodically it is good for you to give your dog a dewormer.
You may already know your dog has worms – (symptoms can include pot-belly, loss of appetite, and even worms in the stool) if so you should talk to your vet right away. If your vet has already prescribed your dog this medication be sure to use it as directed by your vet!
If your dog was prescribed Drontal or Drontal Plus and you want to know more about it prior to giving it to your dog then read on…
What is Drontal and What Does it Do?
Drontal is a pill or tablet medication for dogs of almost any age and it is an all-in-one dewormer, meaning that with consumption of one tablet you can rid your dog of tape worms, round worms and whip worms.
As far as how it works, once ingested, works by damaging the parasites (worms) skin. From that point the parasites will slowly disintegrate and exit the dog’s digestive tract through defecation. Not a pretty description – but this medication is quick, effective and safe.
Other methods can take multiple doses over days to be fully effective – and that’s just against one type of worms. It’s no wonder that Drontal and the Plus version are highly recommended for both dogs and cats by veterinarians.
Drontal VS Drontal Plus – What’s the difference?
This is a conffusing topic to be honest. Really, there is no difference between the two products other than the location in which they are sold. Drontal is name brand in many countries around the globe – however in the U.S. it is referred to as Drontal Plus.
Both Drontal and Plus are derived from the original version of the drug Droncit, which was originally produced to treat only tapeworms. The name of the product was changed when the formula changed to be effective against all common types of worms.
How Many Drontal Tablets Does My Dog Need?
This medicine comes in multiple strength tablets for different sized dogs.
For example you can buy a 22.7MG tablet for smaller breeds (under 25LBS), 68MG tablets for medium sized breeds (26-60LBS) and 136MG tablets for larger breeds (46-120LBS).
Depending on the weight of your dog you may need more than one tablet.
If you have more than one dog of multiple sizes you can save money by buying more of the larger tablets and breaking them in half for smaller doses.
While there are guidelines for giving your pet this medication, you should consult your vet about the proper dosage for your individual pet.
Dogs/Puppies: (3 weeks of age or older)
- 2-4 lbs Give 1/2 tablet as a single dose
- 5-7 lbs Give 1 tablet as a single dose
- 8-12 lbs Give 1 ½ tablets as a single dose
- 13-18 lbs Give 2 tablets as a single dose
- 19-25 lbs Give 2 ½ tablets as a single dose
You can find on the Drontal website, or you can get it from sites like 1-800-Pet-Meds.
How Long Will Drontal Take to Work?
Most of the time, the medication will start working immediately. Many owners said that their puppy or adult dog’s stools were free from worms within 24 hours – however it has been reported to work in as little as 8 hours!
It really depends on how your own particular dog reacts to the drug and how bad of an infestation there is. Female worms can lay up to 80,000 eggs in a day – this is a lot of ground to cover! The good news is we are up to the challenge!
Is This Long Lasting Protection?
It’s been a couple days and now your dog is completely worm free! How long does this last? The answer to this is a grey zone – it depends on whether or not your dog comes in contact with worms again.
This is a one-time medication that will rid your dog of worms such as tape worms, round worms and whip worms. Once they are infested it can clear them out in very little time, leaving your dog happy and healthy once again.
The bad news is that this is not a preventative measure. This medication is meant only to deworm your dog, not to prevent new worms from getting in. It is often recommended by vets that dogs who spend a lot of time outside get dewormed periodically – around once a month.
So what are the Pros…?
One-time Treatment: This is a big advantage. After all, we mentioned earlier how other forms of dewormers require more than one dose over a period of 2-3 days.
The fact that Drontal is a tablet that you only have to feed your dog once is a huge convenience for you and him.
All-In-One Dewormer: Again, convenience is the reason this one is a winner.
Drontal is able to offer your dog relief from tape worms, round worms and whip worms. Most deworming medications will only get rid of one specific type of worm.
They’re Flavored: Okay, so this is more of a plus for your dog than you – but hey if you had to take medicine wouldn’t you prefer it to taste good? Drontal offers flavor options such as beef to make the tablet more enticing to picky eaters.
Effective Quickly: Speed is really important. When you are sick you want to feel better right away – so your dog probably does too. If your dog has lost appetite or been sick due to worms they are likely to be happy these tablets work within 48 hours!
…and the Cons?
Surprisingly, there are not many downsides to this medication. Drontal is approved by the FDA and recommended by many veterinarians as the best deworming medication out there. If you are in need of great medication for worms then this is definitely it.
However, that doesn’t mean there are not potential side effects. Most dogs are able to take it without any issues, though there are cases where dogs vomit, lose their appetite or have diarrhea while the medication is in their system.
If your dog becomes ill after taking this medication, then you should contact your vet – however mild symptoms generally go away within 48 hours. If your dog is allergic to any of the active ingredients then you should ask you vet about alternative medications.
The only other case where this medication is not right for your situation is if you are dealing with a puppy under 3 months of age (or under 2LBS). If you have a particularly young pup or kitten faced with worms, talk to your vet about other possible solutions.
The Overall Conclusion
Drontal is a safe, effective method of ridding your dog of any type of common worms (including tape, round and whip worms). If your dog is currently infected with worms then this is definitely the easiest route to go fo
r both of your sake.
If your vet has recommended this product then you should not be worried about giving it to your dog. This is a common treatment for worms in both dogs and cats and has been thoroughly tested and is extremely effective.
Drontal is one of the most well-known medications in the world as far as deworming for your dog or cat. Many pet owners before you have used this prescription with success and a happy and healthy pet!
Don’t let your pet suffer from parasitic worms when all you need to do is feed him a tablet. It’s as simple as feeding him a treat and soon his system will be worm free once again. Remember, you want the best for your furry friend.