Fluconazole for Dogs
Bacteria is all around us, there is no way to be 100% protected from everything. The good news is that with the number of medications that are around now, there is one for almost any viral or bacterial infection around – even the ones affecting our poor dogs.
Who knows how it happened, maybe it was an infected patch of soil your dog went digging in – there is truly no way to tell in many cases. The fact is, now your dog is sick and needs something to treat the symptoms.
Fluconazole is one of the many medications that your vet has to choose from when prescribing something treat your dog.
What is Fluconazole and what is it for?
Fluconazole is an antifungal medication that is often used in cats and dogs. This medication is used most often in pets who do not react well to other antifungal medications.
The medication is often used to treat fungal infections (especially those which attack the central nervous system or CNS). It works by changing the membrane around the fungus, which kills the fungi without harming the pet.
It can also be used to treat yeast infections and ringworm, as well as lung infections and infections that may get under the dogs nails. This medication has not been approved by the FDA for use in dogs, however it is generally accepted for vets to prescribe this medication.
How Much Should I Give My Dog?
The amount of medication given a pet can vary greatly depending on the condition being treated.
The average for dogs can range from 1.25-5mg twice a day for 8-12 weeks. Again this can differ a lot depending on the size of your pet and severity of the condition.
This medication should be given exactly as your vet has instructed. It is a prescription medication and the administration directions should have been provided at the time the prescription was written.
How Can I get My Dog to Take a Pill?
Sometimes it can be difficult to get your dog to take medications – especially ones that don’t come in the form of a delicious chewable tablet like their heartworm and flea medicine. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s hidden a pill in a piece of cheese or meat, right?
Hiding a pill in food or a treat such as a pill pocket is often one of the most easy and effective ways to get your dog to take his medicine. The good news is that this medication is best taken with food, so a small treat after they finish their meal would be my suggestion for easy dosage.
If your pet is really sneaky and finds a way around the pill while still getting their treat, you may have to resort to more stressful measures. If force feeding the medication to your pet becomes necessary you may want to ask your vet if there is a liquid form available.
Should You Ask Your Vet About Fluconazole?
If your pet is suffering from a fungal infection then this may be one of the best courses of treatment – especially if your dog is allergic to other antifungal medications. Your vet may have suggested fluconazole as a treatment option for your dog.
You need to let your vet know a full list of every medication that your dog is taking including vitamins and supplements as this medication may not react well or may interfere with the effectiveness of other medications.
If your dog is pregnant or nursing this medication should only be taken if the benefits outweigh the possible risks. Dogs who suffer from kidney or liver disease should not take this medication.
In the event that you were planning to breed your pet during the duration of treatment you should first discuss any possible risks with your veterinarian.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Side effects are an unfortunate part of these medications – while they often do much more good than harm, none of them come without risks.
This medication does not have a very long list of common side effects. The most common side effect is loss of appetite. Other side effects have a much smaller chance of developing and may include vomiting, jaundice, depression, anemia or a rash among other things.
Your pet could have an allergic reaction to this medication. Signs of an allergic reaction include swelling of the face, hives, scratching, sudden diarrhea, seizures or coma.
In the event that your pet has developed any of the above symptoms you should contact your vet immediately.
Common FAQs about Fluconazole
What are the brand name versions of Fluconazole?
The most common brand name alternative to the generic Fluconazole is Diflucan.
What if I miss a dose?
If you miss a dose, give the missed dose right away – UNLESS it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, in which case simply skip the missed dose.
How long can it be given?
Depending on the severity of the condition this medication can be given for a short period of a couple of weeks up to months.
How soon will it be effective?
Fungal infections are extremely hard to kill – it may take weeks to see a noticeable improvement in your dog’s condition. Once you see improvement you should continue treatment for the entire prescribed duration for best results.
Does it come in a liquid or chewable form?
This medication may be made in a liquid or chewable form by private pharmacies, however most retailers only offer a generic pill tablet form.